Mere Mercy Quotes
“They who truly come to God for mercy, come as beggars, and not as creditors: they come for mere mercy, for sovereign grace, and not for anything that is due.” - Jonathan Edwards
“From first to last, the children of God have no other claim; it is mere mercy that took us into a state of grace at first, and mere mercy that keeps us in it, and furnishes us with all the supplies that are necessary to keep it up in vigor and comfort; and mere mercy that gives us all the final consummation and accomplishment of it at last. Our first entrance into the state of grace is mere mercy.” - Thomas Manton
"It is mere mercy in the eternal contrivance of our salvation by Christ; mere mercy in his incarnation, humiliation, obedience and sufferings for us; mere mercy in the application of his redemption to our souls; mere mercy that we are kept by the power of God, through faith to salvation; and mere mercy that Christ will at last present us faultless before the throne of God with exceeding joy."
- Jonathan Dickinson

- Jonathan Dickinson
"Be you therefore merciful,
as your Father also is merciful"
(Luke 6:36).
as your Father also is merciful"
(Luke 6:36).